Cryptids of South Dakota

Some cryptids are more popular than others, most people know about the Mothman or your average Bigfoot, but some are more mysterious than others. The cryptids of South Dakota are some that I had never heard of before diving into cryptozoology professionally. Though less talked about, they are just as odd as any other cryptid.

Terror Birds

There are conflicting reports of the Terror Bird. Some people say it can fly, however, the dinosaurs they are based on are flightless. Either way, the bird lives up to its name. It is allegedly 9 feet tall (some sources say it can be up to 12 feet) and carnivorous. With a large, hooked beak, it can rip apart flesh easily. 

There is a tiny amount of evidence that this bird and humans could have lived alongside one another around 15,000 years ago. However, most sources and scientists say that the Terror Bird died far before humans came along, especially in the Americas. Many people mix the Terror Bird up with the Thunderbird, but these are two different cryptids.


Thunderbirds are much more well-known than the others on this list, but still worthy of mention. Thunderbirds appear in many different Native American legends and stories, especially those in the Eastern half of the United States. In each tribe, the Thunderbird has a slightly different purpose. Almost all traditions state that the bird controls or warns of the weather. Some believe that it may also warn a tribe of coming war, or offer protection. The descriptions of the bird vary between accounts, but the Thunderbird is generally described as having a 14-20 foot wingspan.

There is an argument about what bird the Thunderbird could be, many argue that it is a modern-day Pterosaur, however, scientists argue that those went extinct around 66 million years ago.


One could argue that the Taku-He is another version of the notorious Bigfoot. Both appear very tall, Taku-He measures around 7-9 feet tall, and Bigfoot has been described as anywhere between 6-15 feet tall. They also both appear to be hairy, ape-like creatures that can stand on two feet. However, there are some differences between the two. The first is that Taku-He wears clothes. Yes, he is often spotted wearing a top hat and a trenchcoat. The second difference is that he can give you seizures. There has been more than one report that if he looks you in the eyes, it can induce a seizure. Depending on what you believe about Bigfoot, another difference could be that the Taku-He is believed to be omnivorous, feasting on both plants and animals. It is reported that he also removes the sex organs and drains the blood of the creatures that he eats.

The Banshee of the Badlands

There are many banshees in the world, and depending on who you ask they can be young or old, dead or alive, seeking revenge or just an omen. The Banshee of the Badlands has not been described many times. We don’t even know her backstory. Some speculate that it is a young woman who was murdered by Native Americans, others say that she is a young Native woman who was murdered by the pioneers. We may never truly know what this woman’s wants or needs, but she screams nonetheless, scaring those who cross her path. Out of the very few accounts, some say that she is also accompanied by a skeleton who plays the violin, and if you follow him, you will go mad from the music he plays.
